Basic Chinese 500 基礎漢字500
Basic Chinese 500 基礎漢字500
透過啟蒙級孩子可以:認識漢字基本筆畫, 認讀100個最常用漢字, 包括22個部首字, 閱讀短句 (每句約3-7個字), 認識基本人稱、方向、數字、動詞、助詞等。
Through BEGINNING READER, the child learns: Basic writing strokes, 100 most frequently used characters, 22 of which are also common bushou (radicals). Able to read short sentences of 3-7 characters each. Basic nouns, pronouns, directions, numbers, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
BEGINNING READER starts with the most frequently used Chinese words and characters, and get the child reading sentences from the very start. The stories are centred around a child’s everyday life. Among this first set of 100 characters, 22 of them are common radicals, laying down a solid foundation for the child’s understanding of the Chinese writing system. The child learns to read in a natural and fun way.
The 5 books of BEGINNING READER contain around 2800 characters. The design of the course embeds numerous repetitions of the characters, in tune with the child’s natural way of learning. Once the child learns these 100 characters, they will be able to read stories and poems on their own.
Sagebooks HK 思展兒童文化社/劍聲 |
Box 盒裝 | ||
3至5歲 | ||
About 17.5lb | ||
35cm W x 33 cm H x 6 cm D/ 全彩印刷 | ||